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Roy Salisbury

Stony Hill Advisors Our Team (11)Roy brings over 40 years of professional experience with a focus on Mergers and Acquisitions. He has been on every side of the M&A transaction, including buyer, seller, broker, advisor, and consultant.  His experience includes being CEO of privately held and publicly traded companies. He has demonstrated proven success in complete deal-making, including public offerings, private placement, M&A transactions; turnarounds, restructuring, and bankruptcy; and dealing with financial institutions, investors, stock exchanges, and the SEC.

A Marine veteran, he has participated as an investor and principal in numerous transactions in diverse industries including manufacturing, oil and gas, construction, recycling and renewable energy, logistics and distribution, e-commerce, food and hospitality, investment banking, management consulting, technology and telecommunications, timber, and travel.  Roy has also functioned as a turnaround specialist for company shareholders and creditors in bankruptcies.

Roy is the CEO of Small Business Development Group, Inc., the parent company of Stony Hill Advisors. Roy supports Stony Hill on a macro level, while also being in charge of Stony Hill operations in the Carolinas.

Roy can be reached by phone at 910-476-7404 or by email at rsalibury@stonyhilladvisorsinc.com
When to buy or sell is a critical decision.

Call us for a confidential discussion.

(203) 456-9802